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Our health and wellbeing workshops have been developed for families, schools, early learning centres and other youth organisations.  They are designed to teach educators and parents about nutrition, exercise and mindfulness and provide them with the skills to effectively use our educational flashcards.

Our mission is to inspire and educate so that current generations can nurture wellness habits in children and inspire a sustainable change in the wider community. 


Schools & Educators

The growing evidence to support a healthy lifestyle in children shows that building a strong sense of self-worth from a young age, along with healthy nutrition, regular exercise and mindful moments, lessens the likelihood that children will go on to experience anxiety and depression.  Teaching Mental Health in schools and early-learning centres is critical to providing children with self-awareness and healthy habits from a young age.


We run interactive group workshops for teachers and educators where we explore key concepts from positive psychology and neuroscience (priming positivity, creating connections, seeing strengths, exploring individualism) and learn simple ways to sow these seeds for flourishing littles and adults alike.

Participants will learn recommended essential daily ingredients to optimise health and wellbeing and take away practical strategies to help them move from surviving to thriving.

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Parents & Guardians

We love supporting parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles and everyone in between to create long-lasting healthy lifestyles for the little people in their lives.


Whether it's through a group workshop or a 1-on-1 session, we can help you to cultivate a culture of wellbeing in your family.

In these workshops, we will go through all the uses of the Flashcards in a dedicated environment, giving you the chance to ask specific questions.

You will also learn about the key elements that lead to a flourishing life: emotional regulation, quality connections, positive communication and the core pillars of well-being - Mindfulness, Nutrition and Exercise.

Online Courses

Learn at your own pace, on a schedule that suits you and your family!

We know parenting isn't easy and sometimes it can be impossible to make an appointment (or even leave the house) at a time that suits you and your little ones.

We're developing an easy to follow online course so that you can learn the Bambini Wellness essentials from the comfort of your own home.

Stay tuned. xx


Join the Wellness Revolution

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Sign up to receive free resources, like e-books, fitness videos, healthy recipes + more. We'll also keep you up to date with the latest tips & tricks from our blog.

No spam, just goodness to keep you inspired on your wellness journey.

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